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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The present study investigates the career maturity in relation to intelligence among the adolescents of plus one stage. Random stratified sampling procedure was used to select the sample. Six hundred and forty students studying in government schools (Academic and Vocational groups) of Amritsar district formed the sample. There were 320 boys and 320 girls varying in age from 16-18 years. The career maturity scale and intelligence test were administered to the sample. Data were analysed by using product moment coefficient of correlation and t-test of significance for mean. The findings revealed that academic group students had higher career maturity and intelligence as compared to their vocational counterparts. Girls, in the present sample, possessed greater career maturity and intelligence as compared to boys.

The construct of career maturity consists of a readiness, attitude and competency to cope effectively with the career development tasks. The assumption can be made that a career mature person is more capable of making an appropriate and realistic career choice and decision. Career mature individuals have the ability to identify specific occupational preferences and to implement activities in order to achieve their goals. The concept of career maturity was defined as the place reached on the continuum of vocational development from exploration to decline (Super 1955). Career maturity is thus the degree which one has reached in cognitive, emotional and other psychological factors whereby one acquires the capacity of making realistic and mature career choices. According to another definition, career maturity is the extent to which an individual is able to master certain career developmental tasks that are applicable to his/her life stage. It is extremely important to identify an individual’s state of career maturity in order to give appropriate career guidance The highlighted aspects of career maturity includes: 1. Obtaining information about oneself and converting such information to self-knowledge; 2. Acquiring decision-making skills and applying them in effective decision- making; 3. Gathering career information and converting it into knowledge of the occupational world; 4. Integrating self-knowledge and knowledge of the occupational world; and 5. Implementing the obtained knowledge in career planning. Career maturity is conceptualized as an individual’s readiness to make well informed, age – appropriate career decision, and to shape one’s career carefully in the face of existing societal opportunities and constraints (Salami 2008). Although educational and vocational choices are made by an individual but they are certainly influenced by many social and environmental factors which include socio-economic status of the family, home and family environment, sex, age, rural and urban background psychological factors which may include intelligence, personality, achievement, motivation, interest, aptitude, self-concept academic achievement etc. Thus, career selection is not an exclusively intellectual process in which various possibilities are sorted out in a logical manner. Instead, decisions are based on the interaction of career maturity with various social or psychological factors. Studies have also substantiated the beliefs concerning the role of psychosocial variables like intelligence, socio-economic status, parental influence, school influence, needs and values as motivating factors in specific career preferences of adolescents (Vasantha 1977; Yadav 1979). An insight into the possible factors underlying career maturity would suggest the guidelines for planning various activities for the students. It may also help the teachers, parents and guidance workers for developing desirable attitudes in children. Keeping in mind the determinant and predictor variables of career maturity, the present study is an endeavour to understand career maturity of adolescents in relation to intelligence.

Selection of career and setting in it is an important task and a source
of personal gratification. In the modern age of science and technology, hundreds of vocations have been thrown open to an individual. The choice of a right vocation is becoming difficult in these days. Adolescence is the period when a major turning takes place in the life of a student because the career will depend upon the subjects selected at this level. On the recommendation of National Policy on Education 1986, school curriculum after the 10th class has been diversified into academic and vocational streams. The educational and vocational decisions at this stage pave the way for future decisions to be taken by any individual in the world of work. Any wrong decision of vocational choice due to pressure of the family or from indecisiveness on the part of adolescent can block his/her growth and development in future. Therefore, it was considered relevant to study this aspect namely career maturity among adolescents. Intelligence implies mental ability of an individual. The understanding of vocational world is vital for students as it enables them to review their career decisions in the light of their potentialities. For proper guidance in the selection of courses of studies as well as in occupation, intelligence testing plays an important role. If a person enters an occupation which requires intelligence more than what he has, he will find himself unsuitable for the type of work. The same difficulty will occur with individual whose intelligence is greater than what his/her work requires. S/he faces dissatisfaction and lack of competitive spirit in her/his job. The close relationship of intelligence in vocational choice and satisfaction establishes the importance of intelligence in guidance and education. Therefore, for the selection of a particular course of studies as well as in occupation, intelligence testing is required. OBJECTIVE To study and compare the level of career maturity (attitude and competence) and intelligence of adolescents in academic and vocational streams and of adolescent boys and girls. HYPOTHESES 1.There exists no significant difference between adolescents studying in academic and vocational streams in respect of career maturity (attitude and competence) and intelligence. 2.There exists no significant difference in adolescent boys and girls in respect of career maturity (attitude and competence) and intelligence. 3. There exists positive correlation between career maturity (attitude and competence) and intelligence of adolescents. DESIGN In order to study this relationship, descriptive survey method of investigation coupled with the techniques of differential and correlation analysis was used. Tools Indian adaptation of career maturity inventory (Gupta , 1989). The attitude scale – The scale maps the conative aspect of decision making. The competence test – This test measures the cognitive variables in choosing a vocation. Intelligence by General Mental Ability Test (Jalota, 1976). ANALYSIS OF DATA The analysis of the data was done by computing mean, standard deviation, t-ratio and product moment coefficient of correlation. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Discussion based on Comparison between Academic and Vocational Streams Career maturity (attitude and competence)
The comparison between academic and vocational stream students on the variable of career maturity attitude (6.996), and all the sub scales of career maturity competence viz. self appraisal (6.34), occupational information (5.437), goal selection (5.608), planning (2.96) and problem solving (3.791) revealed statistically significant t-ratio at 0.01 level. The mean scores for both the measures of career maturity were in favour of academic group. This indicates that adolescents from academic group showed higher level of maturity with respect to career attitude and career competence in comparison to their counterparts in vocational group. They had greater orientation towards career decision making and possessed more knowledge of their job related capabilities, about the world of work, matching personal characteristics to occupational requirement, foresight in planning for a career and effectiveness in dealing with the problems that arise in the course of career development. They were comparatively more decisive, involved and independent in career decision making. Intelligence To find out the difference in academic and vocational group on the variable of intelligence, t-test yielded a highly significant value of 10.408. This means that significant difference exists between academic and vocational stream students on the variable of intelligence. The higher mean value of academic group (50.48) as compared to vocational group (42.07) signifies that, those who pursued academic or professional courses definitely had higher level of intelligence in comparison to those who opted for vocational courses. Thus, the hypothesis that there exists no significant difference between adolescents studying in academic and vocational streams in respect of career maturity (attitude and competence) and intelligence is not verified. Discussion based on Comparison between Boys and Girls Career Maturity (attitude and competence) Significant differences were observed between boys and girls on attitudes and competence scale of career maturity. The‘t’-ratios valued 3.878 (career maturity attitude), 5.399 (self-appraisal), 6.228 (occupational information), 5.439 (goal selection), 4.882 (planning) and 3.834 (problem solving) were found significant at 0.01 level and in favour of girls. This explains that girls in the present sample exhibited more maturity in respect of career. This includes decisiveness, involvement, independence, orientation and compromise in career decision making. They made a more realistic appraisal of themselves, possessed more career related information, and solving problems related to career decision making. Intelligence On the variable of intelligence, significant t-ratio (3.621) at 0.01 level was found in favour of girls. The mean score was higher in case of girls (49.73) than for boys (47.02). It indicates that in the present sample girls were more intelligent in comparison to their counterparts. Thus, the hypothesis that there exists significant difference between adolescent boys and girls in respect of career maturity (attitude and competence) and intelligence is accepted. Relationship of Career Maturity Attitude and Career Maturity Competence In this sample career maturity attitude was positively and significantly correlated with career maturity competence scale viz. self appraisal (r=.476), occupational information (r=.431), goal selection (r=.420), planning (r=.387) and problem solving (r=.360) at 0.01 level. This positive and significant correlation between career attitude and career competence explains that higher career attitude helps the individuals towards gathering information about various jobs and occupations, choosing a job according to one’s abilities and overcoming problems that arise in decision making. The result of present study is supported by research study conducted by (Dhillon and Kaur , 2005) who found that career maturity attitude has significant positive correlation with career maturity competence. Relationship of Career Maturity Attitude and Intelligence
In this study, the variable of career maturity attitude was positively and significantly correlated with intelligence (r =.410) at 0.01 level. This result shows that higher level of intelligence significantly and positively associated with attitudinal variables like involvement, independence, orientation and to compromise in career decision making. This is indicative of fact that level of mental ability affects the decision making in the choice of a career. Relationship of Career Maturity Competence and Intelligence The coefficients of correlation indicated positive and significant correlation between intelligence and all the subscales of career maturity competence scale viz. self appraisal (r=.355), occupational information (r=.329), goal selection (r=.382), planning (r=.270) and problem solving (r=.321) at 0.01 level. This positive and significant correlation emphasizes that an intelligent person has better assessment of his/her career related capabilities and is anxious for collecting information about various jobs. This also depicts that more intelligent persons are prepared to make adequate career choices according to their abilities, have foresightedness in planning for a career to achieve the desired goal and efficient in solving difficulties that come in the way of decision making. Significant and positive relationship between all the measures of career maturity competence scale and intelligence explains that career competencies of individual are directly influenced by his/her intelligence. Thus the hypothesis that there exists positive correlation between career maturity (attitude and competence) and intelligence of adolescents is accepted. IMPLICATIONS As in case of planning the career, cognitive level of person is of paramount importance, one cannt ignore this aspect while opting for a career. As for every type of occupation, different types of cognitive structuring is required, students should be made aware of this and guided accordingly. As in this study it has been observed that there was difference in boys and girls with respect to career maturity, therefore suitable career counseling programmes catering to individual differences should be designed. REFERENCES Dhillon, U. & Kaur, R. (2005) To study the relationship of career maturity with self-concept, achievement motivation and locus of control. Journal of Indian Academy of Applied Psychology 31, 1, 71-76. Gupta, N. (1989) Indian Adaptation of Crites Career Maturity Inventory (CMI). National Psychological Corporation, Agra. Jalota, S. (1976) Manual for General Mental Ability Test. Ivory Printers, Chandigarh. Salami, S. O. (2008) Gender, identity status and career maturity of adolescents. Journal of Social Sciences 16, 1, 35-49. Super, D. E. (1955) Personality integration through vocational counseling. Journal of Counseling Psychology 29, 2, 217-219. Vasantha, A. (1977) A socio-economic study of work values. Journal of Psychological Researches 21, 2 , 119-121. Yadav, R. K. (1979) A study of motives for the vocational preferences of adolescents. Indian Educational Review 29, 2, 78-79 .

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