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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Educational Technology

Educational Technology

                              By: Dr. Deepak Sharma

“India can become one of the developed countries in the world by 2020, if we adopt technology as our tool. For this, the teaching community should change their mindset and enthuse the students by means of technology”   
Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam (2004)
Information Revolution
  • Invention of Writing - 6000 years ago
  • Publication of Written Book - 1300 BC
  • Invention of Printing Press - 1455 AD
  • Invention of ICT
Revolutions in Education – Eric Ashby (1967)
  • I Revolution: Revolution of shifting the task of educating the young ones from parents to teachers and from home to school.
  • II Revolution : Adoption of the ‘written words’ as tool of education.
  • III Revolution : Widespread availability of books.
  • IV Revolution : Developments in Electronics.
Educational Technology – Meaning
  • Application of Technology in teaching process. -------Use of hardware in education - James O. Finn & Others
  • Application of Scientific Principles to instruction. -------- Emphasis Psychological principles of learning. - Skinner & Gagne
  • Application of system approach to education and Training.
Emphasis the interrelation of Men, Machine, Methods, Media and Materials (5M’s).
According to this view, education should be considered a system in which Machines, Materials, Media, Men and Methods are interrelated parts and are organized in such a way as thy work together for the fulfillment of specific educational objectives. - Davis & Hartley
Educational Technology – Definition
  • “Educational Technology defined as development, application, and evaluation of systems, techniques, and aids to improve the process of human learning” - NCERT
  • “Educational Technology may be defined as th application of the law as well as recent discoveries of science and technology to the process of education” - S.S. Kulkarni
  • “Educational Technology is the application of scientific method and techniques to education” - B.P Lulla
Technology in education
  • Technology in Education is the application of technology to any process of educational enterprises.
  • Use of the technological advancement in terms of various equipments, materials, and machines for educational purposes.
  • It involves the increasingly complex range of audiovisual equipment, sophisticated electronic devices like projectors, films, radio, TV, tape recorder, computers etc for individualized and group learning.
Technology of Education
  • Technology of Education is the application of psychology of learning theories, principles of instruction, curriculum, and learning to the process of education.
  • In this the educationalist are involved in designing and evaluation of system of learning.
  • It enables a teacher to use a variety of media and modes to make his teaching effective.

Educational Technology-Objectives
  • Transmitting information
  • Assisting the practice of specific skills.
  • Contribution to the provision of feedback.
  • The need to reach out to maximum number of students.
  • To offer greater opportunities for independent study.
  • To design, modify and develop appropriate equipment/aids suitable and relevant to the educational process.
  • To identify the educational needs of the learner.
  • To identify the necessary teaching learning materials.
  • To plan teaching strategies, models and methods as per the need and objectives.
  • To evaluate the effectiveness of teaching strategy in terms of learning outcomes.
  • To provide appropriate feedback to student as well as teachers.
  • To modify the teaching learning process on the basis of feedback received.
Approaches to Educational Technology
  • Three-Tier Approaches to Educational Technology
  • A.A. Lemsdein (1964) has classified educational technology into three types or approaches.
Hardware Approach
  • This approaches implies the use of mechanical materials and equipments in education.
  • This approach originated from Physical Science and engineering.
  • Using technology in the process of education.
  • This approach is a byproduct of the scientific and technological developments of the 20th century.
  • In this approach the main feature is the use of audiovisual aids like charts, models, filmstrips, slides, audiocassettes, and sophisticated equipments like film projectors, OHP, slide projector, radio, tape recorder, LCD projector, CD players, DVD Players, TV, computer etc.
  • This help for knowledge explosion.
  • Helps in reaching out to large numbers and hence help in reducing expenses.
  • It leads to an overall efficiency in the educational system.
Software Approach
  • This approaches implies the use of Psychological principles and learning theories in education.
  • Originated from Behavioural Science.
  • It is characterized by task analysis, writing objectives in behavioural terms, selection of appropriate learning strategies, reinforcement of correct responses and constant evaluation.
  • In software approach, the Psychology of Learning is exploited for the production and utilization of software techniques and materials in terms of learning materials, teaching-learning strategies, tools of evaluation and other devices to soften and smoothen the task of teaching and learning
System Approach
  • System approach is a systematic way of designing, implementation and evaluation of a process in terms of its desired objectives.
  • System Approach involves accurate identification of the requirement of problem.
  • System Approach is the setting of objectives after identifying their needs in performance-oriented terms.
  • It is the application of logic and analysis of techniques to the problems.
  • It is the development of methods for the solution of the problems and rigorous measurement of the product against specific performance objectives.
Scope of Educational Technology
  • Spelling out Educational goals and Objectives.
    Help for the formulation of objectives and goals of education based on individualized and social needs.
  • Curriculum Development.
    Planning of curricular and co-curricular inputs in order to realize planned goals and objectives.
  • Developing Teaching-Learning materials and Resources.
    Develops necessary learning materials in the form of programmed learning books, computer learning packages, mass media instruction, individualized self-instructional packages etc.
  • Developing Human resources.
    ET covers the area of teacher education.
  • Developing Strategies.
    Teaching strategies, approaches and methods are devised and developed catering to different types of students.
  • Developing Multi-Sensory Aids.
    Design, development of audio visual aids.
  • Feedback Mechanism and Modification.
    ET develops tool of evaluation to provide feedback.
  • Develops Passive Instruction Services.
    Educational radio, TV, computers are used for transmitting information. They are passive services since all decisions are in the hands of the providers, i.e., what to be presented, for how long, in what sequence and when.
  • Develops Interactive Instruction Services.
    ET tries to provide opportunities for the learner to control the pace, mode of presentation etc. eg. Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI), Teleconferencing via Internet etc.
  • Develops Learning Environments.
    ET develops learning environment that are learner friendly. Eg. Simulation
  • Developing Information Resources.
    ET bridging the gap between developments in Information Technology and Education. Information Resources : Eg. E-libraries, On line encyclopedia, World Wide Web,
  • Develops Communication Devices.
    ET has developed communication devices for students who have mental capability to communicate, but are not able to speak.
  • To Reduce the Burden of Teachers.
    ET supports the teacher in Teaching Learning Process.



Team teaching -MeaningTeam teaching a style of instruction in which resources as well as interests and expertise of a team of teachers are pooled in order to enhance the effectiveness of instruction/curriculum transaction to the maximum possible by utilizing all facilities available in school.Characteristic of Team teaching1. It utilizes the service of two or more teacher in the process of teaching the same class.
2. It is an instructional strategy rather than training strategy.
3. In team teaching a group of teachers are responsible for realization of the educational objectives, rather than an individual teacher.
4. A team of teachers of the same subjects work together to deal relevant content area to the same group of students.
5. It can be termed as co-operative teaching , in which teachers together plan to pool resources, interests and expertise for teaching the same content for the same group of students.
6. Every individual teacher of the team gets an appropriate role in the instructional process in accordance with one’s special competencies or area of specialization.
7. The group of teachers involves have shared responsibilities in planning, organizing, leading, controlling and evaluating.
8. In team teaching, the group of teachers have to jointly consider the needs of their pupils.
Objectives of Team teaching
1. To make the best use of expertise of a number of teachers.
2. To improve the quality of teaching by utilizing the sills of more then one person.
3. To develop positive attitude towards co-operation or group in teaching – learning situations.
4. To help the student to satisfy the needs and solve the difficulties relating special content areas.
5. To develop the sense of shared responsibility in teaching and evaluation.
6. To minimize the scope of teaching wrong things to the students by any individual teacher.
Types of Team teaching
1. Team teaching in the same class period. 
Here the members of the team discuss the various aspects of the same topic to be covered in the same class period and share these aspects in tune with the special knowledge area in which each has expertise.2. Tam teaching based on ability. 
In this type, units are shared by different teachers not on the basis of subject matter, but on the basis of special competencies such as lecturing, demonstrating, guiding discussion etc.
3. Team teaching based on specialization 
Teachers with different subject specialization are jointly made responsibilities for instruction, starting from course formation to evaluation. They share the content according to their specialization areas.4. Team teaching on relay system. 
Hear one teacher starts the instructional process, when he completes, another follows and so on. Hear the division of work not based on subject competency or skill. Each teacher supplements, enriches and supports what others have done.
Principles of team teaching
1. Principle of size and composition of the class. 
The size of the class should be vary according to the objectives of the team teaching.Eg. To remove the difficulties of students in certain subject, the size of the class should be small.
2. Principle of level of instruction 
The entering behavior of the group of students should be determined so that the presentation of each member of the team in tune with the level of the class.
3. Principle of assigning duties to teachers of the work. 
Duties to the teachers should be appropriate according to their competencies of teaching.
4. Principle of learning environment.
Learning environment must be generated by employing appropriate teaching aids and other inputs.
5. Principle of time factor
Time schedule should be prepared by allotting appropriate time to subtopics, lead lecture, group work etc.
6. Principle of Supervision
o The aim of team teaching is to develop mastery over subject matter by utilizing the expertise of teachers
o Supervised study is essential for assimilating various items of knowledge of a topic
o The nature and duration of supervising students activities depends upon the purpose for which team teaching is employed.
Procedure of Organizing the Team teaching
Team teaching involves three steps
1. Planning
This step involves the following activities
• Formulating the objectives of the team teaching session.
• Writing these in behavioral terms.
• Identifying the entering behavior of the learners.
• Deciding the details of the material to be taught.
• Assigning duties to teachers, such as lead lecture, follow up work and supervision considering their interest and competencies.
• Fixing up the level of instruction.
• selecting appropriate teaching aids and other inputs, if any, for generating learning environment.
• Deciding ways and means to be adopted for evaluating the student performance.
2. Organizing
The organization of team teaching is decided by considering the needs of the learners. The following are the general activities which are usually performed by a team of teachers.
• Determining the level of instruction. Some questions are asked to explore the background of the leaner’s.
• Selecting the appropriate communication strategy by considering the level of language achievement of the learners.
• Presentation of lead lecture by a competent of the team; other teachers listen the lecture and note down the element of the topic that appear to be not easily understandable to the learners or nor appropriately presented.
• Follow up work. The other teachers have to supplement the lead lecture by explaining the elements of the topic in a simpler way so that the learners can understand easily.
• Providing motivation or reinforcement during both the stages. i.e, during the lead lecture and follow up work.
• Supervision of student activities which are assigned in lead lecture or group work or follow up work. This stage is considered to be important for assimilation.
Every member of the team should be conscious about time schedule and about the duty assigned to him. He must be well prepared and ready for implementing the plan.
3. Evaluating
Evaluation is an important aspect of ant type of teaching. It will helpful to measure the performance of learners. It also provides reinforcement to the team of teachers as well as to the learners, this stage involves the following activities.
• Asking oral questions. Each question should measure a particular objective envisaged by the team.
• Taking decision about the level of performance and realization of the objectives.
• Diagnosing difficulties of the learners and providing the remediation.
• Revising the planning and organizing phase of team teaching itself on the basis of evaluation of the student.
Advantages of team teaching
1. Better planning
• Team teaching has to overcome repetition and hence every teacher has to devote more time towards planning and preparation of his unit.2. Better utilization of resources.
• It results in the optimum use of available resources, human, material, finance. A number of teachers can work together and make the best use of their specialized knowledge.3. Effective use of teaching techniques.
• Teachers observe each other and thus improve their teaching techniques.4. Better motivation.
• It provides better motivation for good teachers to become team leaders. Student too are better motivated while they are being taught by a number of teachers. Teachers with greater technical skills influence the performance of their colleagues.5. Better follow-up work.
• It ensure better follow-up work as a number of specialists teach the same subject to the same class.Limitation of team teaching
1. It is very difficult to ensure co-operation among teachers of a team.
2. It is not east to assign powers and responsibilities to a group of teachers. It might happen no one takes care of the responsibilities expected.
3. Many teachers do not maintain regard and respect. Every teacher considers himself an expert of the subject and has his own style of teaching.
4. Teachers generally do not like to deviate from the routine methods of teaching and they do not prefer any change in the system of education.

Linear Programming for Micro Teaching

Linear Programming for Micro Teaching

Concept of Micro-Teaching

Micro-teaching is a teacher training technique which helps the pupil teacher to master the teaching skills. It requires the pupil teacher
1. to teach a single concept of content
2. using a specified teaching skill
3. for a short time
4. to a very small member of pupils

Q.1 ………………………… is a teacher training technique which helps the  pupil teacher to  
           master the teaching skills.

Q.2       Micro teaching is a teaching for a ………. Time.

Frame 1

Frame 2

Answers frame 1

Q.1   Micro teaching

Q.2   short

Meaning and Definition of Micro-Teaching


Micro teaching is a procedure in which a student teacher practices teaching with a reduce number of pupils in a reduced period of time with emphasis on a narrow and specific teaching skill.

• “Microteaching is a scaled down teaching encounter in class
    size and time.”                                       - D.W.Allen(1966)

• “Microteaching is defined as a system of controlled practice that
    makes it possible to concentrate on specified teaching   
    behaviour and to practice teaching under controlled
    conditions.”                          - D.W. Allen & A.W.Eve (1968)

• “Microteaching is a scaled down teaching encounter in which a
    teacher teaches a small unit to a group of five pupils for a
    small period of 5 to 20 minutes.”        - L.C. Singh (1977)

Q.1  Micro teaching is a procedure in which a student teacher practices teaching with a
       reduce number of ………………..  in a reduced period of …………… with emphasis on a
       narrow and specific teaching skill.

Q.2       “Microteaching is a ……………………….teaching encounter in class size and time.”

Answers frame 2

Q.1  pupils, time

Q2.  scaled down

Objectives of Microteaching

• To enable teacher trainees to learn and assimilate new teaching skills under controlled conditions.
• To enable teacher trainees to master a number of teaching skills.
• To enable teacher trainees to gain confidence in teaching.
Q.1     Micro teaching  enable teacher trainees to learn and …………………… teaching skills
          under controlled conditions.

Q.2     Micro teaching  enable teacher trainees to gain ………………….in teaching.

Frame 3

Frame 4

Answers frame 3

Q.1   assimilate

Q2.   confidence

Characteristic of Microteaching

• Microteaching is a highly individualized training device
• Microteaching is an experiment in the field of teacher education
   which has been incorporated in the practice teaching schedule
• It is a student teaching skill training technique and not a
   teaching technique or method
• Microteaching is micro in the sense that it scale down the
   complexities of real teaching
• Practicing one skill at a time
• Reducing the class size to 5 – 10 pupil
• Reducing the duration of lesson to 5 – 10 minutes
• Limiting the content to a single concept
• immediate feedback helps in improving, fixing and motivating
• The student are providing immediate feedback in terms of peer
   group feedback, tape recorded/CCTV
• Microteaching advocates the choice and practice of one skill at
   a time

Q.1    Microteaching is a highly …………………………….training device
Q.2    In micro teaching the pupil teacher practicing ………………….at a time
Q.3    ………………………. helps in improving, fixing and motivating learning   

Frame 5

Answers frame 4

Q.1   individualized

Q.2   one skill

Q.3   immediate 

Steps of Micro-Teaching

The Micro-teaching programme involves the following steps:

Step I:- Particular skill to be practiced is explained to the  pupil teacher in terms of the purpose and components of the skill with suitable examples.

Step II:- The teacher trainer gives the demonstration of the skill in Micro-teaching in simulated conditions to the pupil teacher .

Step III:-  The  pupil teacher plans a short lesson plan on the basis of the demonstrated skill for his/her practice.

Step IV:-  The  pupil teacher teaches the lesson to a small group of pupils. His lesson is supervised by the supervisor and peers.

Step V:-  On the basis of the observation of a lesson, the supervisor gives feedback to the  pupil teacher . The supervisor reinforces the instances of effective use of the skill and draws attention of the pupil teacher to the points where he could not do well.

Step VI:-  In the light of the feed-back given by the supervisor, the  pupil teacher re-plans the lesson plan in order to use the
skill in more effective manner in the second trial.

Step VII:-  The revised lesson is taught to another comparable group of pupils.

Step VIII:-  The supervisor observes the re-teach lesson and gives re-feed back to the  pupil teacher with convincing arguments and reasons.

Step IX :- The ‘teach – re-teach’ cycle may be repeated several times till adequate mastery level is achieved.

Q.1      The teacher trainer gives the demonstration of the skill in Micro-teaching in
            ……………………………….conditions to the teacher trainees.

Q.2      The supervisor observes the re-teach lesson and gives re-feed back to the  pupil
            teacher with convincing ………………………….and reasons.

Q.3      The ……………………….cycle may be repeated several times till adequate mastery level
            is achieved.

Frame 6

Answers frame 5

Q.1   simulated
Q2.   arguments
Q.3   ‘teach – re-teach’

Micro-teaching Cycle

The six steps generally involved in micro-teaching cycle are Plan , Teach , Feedback
Replan , Reteach , Refeedback. There can be variations as per requirement of the objective of practice session. These steps are diagrammatically represented in the following figure :

Q.1     the second step of micro teaching cycle is…………………………..
Q.2     the 5th step of microteaching  cycle is……………………….
Q.3      the 6th step of microteaching  cycle is……………………….

Frame 7

Answers frame 6

Q.1   simulated
Q2.   arguments
Q.3   ‘teach – re-teach’

Time duration for the microteaching is;

o Teach : 6 Minutes.
o Feedback : 6 Minutes.
o Re-Plan :12 Minutes.
o Re-Teach : 6 Minutes.
o Re-Feedback : 6 Minutes.
Q.1     time duration for teach is ……….minutes.
Q.2     time duration for Re - Plan is ……….minutes.
Q.3     time duration for Re- Feedback is ……….minutes.

Frame 8

Answers frame 7

Q.1   6
Q2.   12
Q.3   6

Phases of Micro-teaching

There are three phases of the Micro-teaching procedure.
They are:
1. Knowledge Acquisition Phase.
2. Skill Acquisition Phase.
3. Transfer Phase of Micro-teaching.

1. Knowledge Acquisition Phase (Pre-Active Phase)
It includes the activities such as;

 Provide knowledge about teaching skills.
 Observe the demonstration of teaching skill.
 Analyze and discuss the demonstration of the teaching skill.

2. Skill Acquisition Phase (Inter-active Phase)
It includes the activities such as;
a) Planning and preparation of micro lesson for a skill.
    Practicing the skill.
b) Evaluation of the practiced skill (Feedback).
c) Re-plan , Re-teach and re-feedback till the desired level of   
    skill is achieved.

3. Transfer Phase (Post –Active Phase)
 a) Giving opportunity to use the mastered skill in normal class  
    room teaching.
 b) Integrate the different skill practiced

Q.1     …………………….  Provide knowledge about teaching skills.

Q.2     In ………………….  Re-plan , Re-teach and re-feedback till the desired level of 
       skill is achieved.

Q.3   ………………………..      Giving opportunity to use the mastered skill in normal
       class room teaching.

Frame 9

Answers frame 8

Q.1   Knowledge Acquisition Phase

Q.2   Skill Acquisition Phase

Q.3 Transfer Phase

Merits of Microteaching

• It helps to develop and master important teaching skills.
• It helps to accomplish specific teacher competencies.
• It caters the need of individual differences in the teacher
• It is more effective in modifying teacher behaviour.
• It is an individualized training technique.
• It employs real teaching situation for developing skills.
• It reduces the complexity of teaching process as it is a scaled
   down teaching.
• It helps to get deeper knowledge regarding the art of teaching.
Q.1     Micro Teaching is more …………….in modifying teacher behaviour.
Q.2      Micro Teaching helps to get ………………………….regarding the art of teaching.

Q.3      Micro Teaching employs …………………………..situation for developing skills.

Frame 10

Answers frame 9

Q.1    effective

Q.2    deeper knowledge

Q.3  real teaching

Limitations of Microteaching
• It is skill oriented; Content not emphasized.
• A large number of trainees cannot be given the opportunity for
  re-teaching and re-planning.
• It is very time consuming technique.
• It requires special classroom setting.
• It covers only a few specific skills.
• It deviates from normal classroom teaching.
• It may raise administrative problem while arranging micro lessons
Q.1      A large number of pupil teacher cannot be given the opportunity for ……………. and
Q.2       Microteaching  is very time ……………. technique.

Q.3      Microteaching deviates from …………………. classroom teaching.