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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Importance of Audio-Visual Aids in Second Language and Literature Teaching

“Importance of Audio-Visual Aids in Second Language and Literature Teaching”
Teaching aids that can be simply called as instrument or tools that can be help to actualize to the methodology while a teaching to primary schools or a highs school class’s methodology is a broad area to largely concerned with ideas, planning and design. Aids on the other hand are concrete ways of putting though ideas in practice.
The importance of teaching aids in primary schools or high schools is highly significance. The age of primary school children and high school children they can acquire things as it is. The grasping power of those students area extra than high level students.
Used the teaching aids for students of primary school children, they can acquire everything immediately. It teacher used the teachings aids students acquired situation consciously.
Teachings aids have to types, one is audio visual aids, in audio aids teacher can private the gramophone, the tape recorder, the radio in audio visual aids teacher can used the television, computer clip acts or projector machine while using this teaching aids teacher also used the regularly using teaching aids like black boards chock, duster pictures, flash cards flannel cards table charts.
Regularly Used Teaching Aids
Black boards:  
The most essential in the teaching primary schools or highs schools it is a cheapest and easily available aids black boards can used to introduce the text, author and background information about the text. E.g. it the teacher teaching to the 9th students about science, teachers can draw the picture of experiment how the chemical reaction could change it can be draw on the black boards.
If there is the process of glucose teacher can draw or write the process of the chemical reaction in these experiments in this process students could easily understand in the process of glucose. Black boards is important for to teaching a high level classes of the chemical where drama, poetry as other literary things taught black boards is important to the teaching drama ,while teachings the drama teachers can write the name of major minor character name on the black boards students can easily understood two types of characters.     
Teacher can write the authors name on the Black board. Information about the author, background information, and teacher can draw the picture of drama’s setting. Blackboard is not important for teaching the drama it is also helpful to teaching other literary genre like poetry, fiction etc. Used of Blackboard for teaching all this thing students can visualize all through the blackboard.
Display Board:
Display board is a kind of board which is fixed, can be used for displaying material such board can be effectively used in teaching of literature. Teaching material which the teacher wants his students read and remember can be displayed on this board, the writing on Blackboard is for short time whereas material displayed on the board can be therefore a longer time. The material can be put up on the display board.
E.g. On display board, we can display or periods, Great writer of that period and their famous work in that period it could be beneficiary to the students of literature. On the display we can put up the some information about the particular writer’s works, criticism on their work, we can also put up the some visual images on the display board. E.g. Teaching the Wordsworth’s ‘Daffodils’ poem, which can dispatch or display a visual image of Daffodils flower or like that.
While teaching the novel or fiction we can put up the summary of that novel. Such display boards can be used as medium of communication where the students participate by writing response to material displayed on the board.
Flannel board or Rolling board:
A type of board, which are easy to carry for a teacher at different places. Such boards can be used to save the time of teacher in a class. A teacher can be prepared this material at home bring it to the class by using board in teaching of poetry.
E.g. If the teacher teaching the poetry, he can prepared some information about the poetry such as like, Rhyme schemes of poetry, meter and other things can be write on this board.
Audio Aids
The Gramophone
The Gramophone is basic audio aids in teaching process. In country like, India the gramophone is blessing, it is very too easy to operate and suitable to maintain.
Through the gramophone we provide the students the sound clip of the drama or poetry.
E.g. Teaching like Shakespeare’s tragedy we can listen the certain important dialogue or character’s soliloquies through the gramophone. It is that kind of machine use stopped it any moment where we want to stop. We can listen this dialogue again through the gramophone. 
Tape Recorder
Tape Recorder is as like as the gramophone. Through the tape recorder we can do record the voice of students or teacher.
E.g. if the teacher read the gay poem it recorded then listen students and then students sing it as teacher sung. Through the tape recorder we can listen the characters dialogue from the drama. Tape recorder is very useful to the primary school children. First they listen the poem and then sing it.
It is a very important type of audio aids these days. It can be used in a number of ways for teaching English. The young learner can listen to English News and other programs, which are broadcast on the radio. The pronunciation of the students may not be able to gain anything on the first or the second day but surely they will gain a lot in due course of time. Listening ability and speaking ability of English can be improved with the help of radio. A radio lesson helps in a number of ways such as ……
A) Radio brings subject, experts and other great men in the classroom. Lectures, talks and address of important personalities from any corner of the world can heard on the A.I.R.
B) The Radio lesson helps the students in the improvement of pronunciation, speech and language.
C) It develops critical thinking of the students.
E.g. the president of India delivering speech on the eve on the Independence Day students can listen, this broad casting on the A.I.R. through this student can improve their listening speaking skill.
Audio–Visual Aids
Television with its simultaneous appeal to the sense of sight and the sense of hearing is the most effective and the most sophisticated audio – visual aids available today. It is used for educational purposes in almost all countries of the world today. T.V. combines a number of aids for teaching English – tapes, models, films, charts, maps, diagrams and several others. All these go to make the T.V. lesson lively and useful. Today in our cities most learning occurs outside the classroom. The sheer quantity of information conveyed by schools. The Nation that education is a process that goes on within the four walls of the Classroom is also shattered.
E.g. through the audio-visual aids students improve their listening and speaking skill more intentionally. On the television students could watch the speaking with action. Students could understand the intonation pattern of speaker.
One of the most important contributions of modern technology in the field of individualized instruction is the introduction of computers in the teaching, learning process. As teachers, we should know the role of computers in the teaching – learning process. A computer can record, analyze and react to students’ responses.
It can store and manipulate information on language learning on an extensive scale, it can control and manage a wide variety of learning materials; and it can simultaneously cope with learning requirements of many individuals. It can make a number of planning decision also.
E.g. student can learn the language through the computers in today’s infield of computer much software are developing for improving language.

Language Laboratories
A language laboratory is a room in which the students are isolated from each other by soundproof walls. Each room has the necessary equipment for practice by the students. The advantages of the set up are that each student can practice speaking without disturbing others and without being disturbed by others and that a whole class of students can simultaneously practice the oral language skills.
A language laboratory is a modern teaching aid. It is more expensive than any other modern teaching aids because of that it has to be maintained at a high cost.
E.g. language laboratories are developed in speaking learning classes through the language skill, improve intonation, stress pattern because through a computer we could do it and it is beneficial to us for learning speaking language.

In this way we can say that, in today’s modern or technological world, using this all technological thing we improve our language skills. By using these all modern techniques the teacher can make his/her lesson interesting of effective all these teaching aids appeals the students mind and through these modern technology student can gain the proper knowledge in very short period so at the we can say that the modern technology saves the time of teacher and students too.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

School Records

The records are the evidences which reflect: aims and objectives of the institute. Records also show its origin and growth and philosophy of the institution. As a social institution, school is answerable to parents, managing committee, education department, community and to pupils. Every school is required to keep an accurate and complete account of each and every pupil on its rolls and submit periodically report based on these records.
Records are again essential for furnishing the Department of Education with an overall picture of the school, which is based on facts and figures. These data are utilised for planning future programmes in budgetary form.
A school has to maintain computer records of each student. These records will reveal progress that each student has made and also show the weakness and strengths of the educational programme. Where computer facility is not available these records can be prepared manually with the assistance of teacher and administrative staff.
The records can broadly be classified under the following six headings:
(i) General Records
1. General register
2. Log book
3. Visitors' book
4. Staff record
5. Public relations record
(ii) Records of Teachers
1. Service book
2. Attendance register
3. Leave register
4. Register of private tuitions of teacher
5. Confidential record
6. Teacher's diary
(iii) Records of Pupils
1. Attendance register
2. School leaving certificate
3. Cumulative record card
4. Admission record
5. Performance record.
(iv) Equipment Records
1. Dead stock register
2. Laboratory register
3. Library register
4. Stationery issue book
5. Stock and issue of sports material
6. Inventories of infrastructural facilities
(v) Statistical Data:
Statistical information related to pupil enrolment, sex-wise distribution of pupils, pupil-staff ratio, cost per student, failure records etc.
(vi) Financial Records"
(1) Daily cash book
(2) Ledger
(3) Contingency register
(4) Register of fee collection
(5) Register of donations received.

Monday, February 24, 2014


Time table gives a clear vision and comprehensive picture of school activities i.e., what work is being done during which period, where, by whom and when. It is a complicated task because it is determined by a number of factors and conditions which change from place to place and from school to school.
The following principles have to be kept in mind during preparation of a good time table:
(i) Type of School:
We see firstly whether the school is girls/boys oriented or co-educational, rural or urban, secondary or senior secondary. We determine the nature of activities involved in the school accordingly special needs of a school is to be taken into consideration while framing the time table.
(ii) Department Regulations:
The state department of education fixes length of the school year, and its terms i.e., when an academic year starts and when it ends, the duration of the school day and even the number of periods for each subject.
(iii) Amount of time available:
Time table is framed keeping in view available time i.e., the length of the school year and total number of holidays.
(iv) Principle of Justice:
While assigning work, special care has to be taken that
(a) Each teacher is assigned those subjects who he/she feels his/her best qualified to teach.
(b) He/she does not teach in more than two departments.
(c)Teaching load for every teacher is about equal to that of others.
(v) Relative Importance and Difficulty Value of Subjects:
The time dedicated to a subject should be at per the importance of it and its difficulty value. There are certain socio-economic considerations that determine the importance of a subject in the school curriculum and accordingly, time is allotted to them in the time table.
(vi) Incidence of Fatigue:
The element of fatigue influences the construction of school time-table a number of ways. Children arc fatigued at certain periods or certain days. It is not only physical but also psychological in nature. It results in a definite weakening of attention and diminishing interest and effects of learning.
(a) Work Rate: Some subjects are more fatiguing than others. They involve more mental strain and effort. Such subjects are taught during early hours when the student's mind is fresh.
(b) Mental freshness is the greatest in the morning. This is also true after recess. The order of subjects causing strain is as follows:
(i) Mathematics
(ii) English
(iii) Hindi
(iv) Science
(v) Social Sciences
(vi) Science Practical's
(vii) Drawing/Physical Education.
(c) The fatigue principle is true for days of the week also. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are considered to be the best days in which maximum work can be done.
(d) Younger children are more quickly fatigued. The duration of a class period for them does not exceed 30 to 35 minutes.
(e) Seasons too cause fatigue. In summer due to heat we do not like to work.
(vii) Principle of Variety:
It has been seen experimentally that change of room, seat and posture usually is an antidote against weakness. It is applied on both students and teachers. Variety can be introduced in the following manners:
(a) No subject except science practical should be kept for two consecutive periods.
(b) The same class should not set in the same room for the whole day.
(c) The same teacher should not have two consecutive periods in the same class.
(d) If a subject is taught only 2/3 times a week, periods should follow at intervals.
(e)The physical training periods, science practical and drawing work allow a change.
(viii) Free Periods for Teachers:
We should provide free periods for teachers so as to increase their efficiency and also to provide time for their correction work.
(ix) Principle of Play and Recreation:
Careful attention needs to be given to provide for rest and recreation and provision for various co-curricular activities should also be made in the time table, to avoid monotony.
(x) Maximum Utilization of Resources:
The qualification, experience, room size should always be kept in mind so as to make the maximum use of all the resources and avoided wastage or under-utilization of resources.
(xi) Elasticity: The time table should have a flexibility so as to work the teachers smoothly.