Curriculum of D.Ed SEP 2011
1. DE 101 Childhood and the Development of Children
2. DE 102 Education, Society, Curriculum and Learners
3. DE 103 Contemporary Indian Society
4. DE 151 Children’s Physical and Emotional Health, School Health and Education 1
5. DE 152 Pedagogy across the Curriculum
6. DE 153 Towards Self-understanding and Evolving an Education Vision 1
7. DE 201 Understanding Language and Early Literacy
8. DE 202 Proficiency in Hindi
9. DE 203 Proficiency in English
10. DE 204 Mathematics Education for Primary School Child
11. DE 251 Creative Drama, Fine Arts and Education
12. DE 252 Work and Education
13. SEP-I&II School Experience Programme I & II
The new DEd curriculum is based on Re-envisioned Elementary Teacher Education Programme prepared by NCTE Review Committee. The curriculum includes new perspectives in elementary school education and also delineates rationale behind their inclusion.
The new areas of engagements, whether in foundational or other courses, make this Curriculum more demanding and challenging, and it must only help in upgrading the academic standards and the infrastructure to deliver, in our institutions. It is indeed the mindset that “ nothing really works”, we need to change firmly.
This DEd programme is framed to:
a) engage prospective teachers with interdisciplinary engagement that locates education in a larger socio-political and cultural frame;
b) engage student-teachers with subject content along with pedagogic theory, perspective and approach;
c) facilitate in questioning one’s own assumptions about learners, knowledge and the learning process;
d) develop teachers professionally and support their aspirations as teachers;
e) develop clear ideas of how children think and learn as members of a diverse society;
f) develop capacities and a repertoire of skills to organize learning and create an ethos of learning for all children;
g) promote dispositions of working collaboratively, independent thinking with positive attributes and attitudes.
All Advanced and Discussion readings should be made available as a library resource in each teacher education institution. Readings can be added to this list of books for their Library.
Readings have been categorized as Essential, For Discussion and Advanced with the aim to provide a rich pool that can be drawn upon for both students and faculty. It is expected that faculty will engage with Advanced readings so as to enrich classroom discussions. It is also important to the vision of the proposed programme that students are provided access to rich resources on the ideas that make up their programme of study. Most of the courses have been designed to include readings unit-wise so that both faculty and students are able to do self-study as well.
Student contact hours required for the transaction of the course are indicated for each individual course along with an estimated evaluation weightage, both internal and external. Suggested tasks and the mode of transaction is also spelt out that would assist the teacher educator to plan teaching.
This is a three years D.Ed programme and the third year will be meant for School Internship.
1. DE 101 Childhood and the Development of Children
Student Contact Hours: 140 Maximum Marks: 100 [70 External (50 Theory + 20 Practicum)
+ 30 Internal]
Rationale and Aim
This course on Child Studies is visualized as the first systematic introduction of the ETE student-teacher to the study of childhood and children. The purpose of this course is to equip the student-teacher with the background knowledge that she needs to develop an understanding of the elementary school child and his/her socio-cultural contexts. This background includes a critical engagement with theories, as well as socio-cultural issues in the world of children and childhood. Building upon the above, the aim is to build
sensitivity towards and conceptual clarity and perspective children’s developmental needs and capabilities, within their socio-cultural context.
Specific Objectives
• To review general conceptions about child and childhood (specifically with reference to the Indian social context); develop a sensitive and critical understanding of the different social/educational/cultural realities at the core of the exploration into childhood.
• To develop an understanding of different aspects of a child’s physical, motor, social and emotional development.
• To understand the developmental process of children with diverse abilities in social, cultural and political context.
• To encourage interaction with children, and training in methods of child study.
Unit 1: Perspectives in Development 20 Hrs. 10 Marks
Introduction to development: concept and introduction to perspectives in development, humanistic psychology and developmental theory Enduring themes in the study of development: development as multidimensional and plural; Development as continuing through the life span; ways in which development is continuous/discontinuous ; socio-cultural contexts influencing development Gathering data about children from different contexts: naturalistic observations; interviews; reflective journals about children; anecdotal records and narratives; clinical methods with reference to Piaget
Unit 2: Physical - Motor Development 20 Hrs. 10 Marks
Growth and maturation Gross and fine motor development skills in infancy and preschool children
Role of parents and teachers in providing opportunities for physical-motor development. For example, play
Unit 3: Social and Emotional Development 25 Hrs. 12 Marks
Personality development: Freud; psycho-social development-Erikson; influence of early childhood experiences on later personality. Attachment–Bowlby, Ainsworth. Social theories and gender development: meaning of gender roles; influences on gender roles, stereotypes, gender in the playground. Development of emotions and the ability to regulate them.
Unit 4: Childhood 15 Hrs. 08 Marks
Childhood as a modern construct; childhood in the context of poverty, globalization. Commonalities and diversities within the notion of childhood and how multiple childhoods are constructed with particular reference to the Indian context.
Unit 5: Contexts of Socialization 20 Hrs. 10 Marks
Concept of socialization: family and adult-child relationships; parenting - Baumrind, child rearing practices
Dealing with Children : Separation from parents, children in crèches; children in orphanages, Schooling: peer influences, school culture, relationships with teachers, teacher expectations and school achievement; being out of school, overage learner Relationships with peers: friendships and gender; competition and cooperation, competition and conflict; aggression and bullying from early childhood to adolescence.
Social, economic and cultural differences in socialization: learning and behavioural difficulties; implications for inclusion.
Practicum(External): Peep into the Child’ world: What and How – I
Task 1: 08 Hours 04 Marks
Students collate about ten newspaper articles that involve issues of parenting and childhood, analyse these and hold discussions.
Task 2: 25 Hours 12 Marks
Hands-on Experience of Methods of Studying Children and Varying Contexts in Childhood.
The students can identify any child to understand 5-14 year old children in diverse contexts and use case profile method to study her. The teacher educator could organize the class in such a manner that different students’ profile children from varied socioeconomic backgrounds. This would allow for a wide range of data which could be subsequently analysed in groups. The task could be helpful in understanding and supporting developmental and educational needs of the marginalized learner; first generation learners, street children and slum children; children with special needs.
Case Profile Approach may include observations and interview as tools to study sociocultural contexts, child-rearing practices, expectations from school, dreams and fantasies of the child.
Task 3: 07 Hours 04 Marks
Students watch a movie (for instance: Salaam Bombay) collectively and reflect on the portrayal of children in the same. Discussion could be held around depiction of children from varying backgrounds, construct of childhood etc.
Mode of Transaction
• Classroom discussions for developing conceptual understanding.
• Close reading of text material/research papers
• Individual and group presentations of issues and concerns raised in assignments
• Theoretical and practical activities/exercises/investigations; analysis interpretation of collated observations, systematic data.
2. DE 102 Education, Society, Curriculum and Learners
Student Contact Hours: 140 Maximum Marks: 100 (70 External + 30 Internal)
Rationale and Aim
As future teachers and educators, students (i.e. student teachers) need to have a solid foundation in the core principles and core concepts of education. This paper introduces the philosophical, the sociological, and the historical perspectives on education with a view to initiate inquiries and discussions on significant facets, themes and questions regarding education in India. The present century demands the need to understand the
interface between education and society to deal with the issues of prevalent societal inequality and conflict, and address the demands for equality, justice, freedom, dignity and diversity. The philosophical, sociological and historical understanding of education’s aims, processes and practices fulfils this need by critically elucidating the linkage that exists between education, knowledge and power.
Specific Objectives
• To understand and explore the meaning, aims, purposes of education
• to develop understanding of philosophical, sociological and historical dimensions of education
• To identify and question one’s own long-established presumptions on knowledge, learner, teacher, and education, and develop a more informed, meaningful understanding of them
• To expose students to divergent educational thoughts, perspectives and practices, which will help them in creating secure, egalitarian and pedagogically sound learning situations
Unit 1: Philosophical Understanding of Education 45 Hrs. 22 Marks
• Exploring, and inquiring into the nature and need of education in human societies
• Relationship between schooling and education, and exploring various educative processes in human societies
• Schooling and Education as visualized by different western and Indian thinkers: Rousseau, Dewey, Montessori, Gandhi, Tagore, Krishnamurthi, Gijubhai, Aurobindo, Froebel.
• Understanding the basic assumptions about human nature, society, learning, and aims of education
Unit 2: Education, Politics and Society 22 Hrs. 12 Marks
• Prominent characteristics of education in India during colonial rule
• India’s Contemporary Education: continuities with and shifts from colonial legacy
• Role of education in reproducing dominance and challenging marginalization with reference to class, caste, gender and religion
• Teacher and society: A critical appraisal of teacher’s status
Unit 3: Learning, Learner and Teaching 28 Hrs. 14 Marks
• Learning: concept and nature
• Learning, knowledge and skills: different ways of learning
• Meaning of teaching and its relationship with learning and learner
• Socialization and learning: understanding influences and factors that shape learner’s identity.
• Learners in Context: Situating learner in the socio political and cultural context
• Constructs of childhood: critical examination of the universal construct of childhood
Unit 4: Knowledge and Curriculum 45 Hrs. 22 Marks
• Child’s construction of knowledge: attaining knowledge through activity and experience
• ‘Body of knowledge’ and children’s construction of knowledge
• Concepts of Belief, Information, Knowledge and Understanding
• Bodies of knowledge: different kinds of knowledge and their validation processes
• Processes and criteria for curriculum selection and construction
• Knowledge and power: representation, inclusion and exclusion of knowledge of different social groups and gender issues in curriculum and textbooks
Mode of Transaction
• Critical thought and questioning should be the basis for the transaction as well as should be further honed
• Teachers must engage in dialogue and discussion with students minimizing the traditional lecture mode
• Teachers should incorporate seminars, discussions, movie appraisals, group-work, field works, projects and the close reading of articles, policies, documents
• The connections between all the four units must be sought
• The units are to be studied by keeping the socio-historical-political context in mind
3. DE 103 Contemporary Indian Society
Student Contact Hours: 140 Maximum Marks: 100 (70 External + 30 Internal)
Rationale and Aim
This course involves an understanding of the events and issues that have influenced and continue to shape the lives of people in India. The students would gain a perspective on historical, political, economic trajectories of Indian society. Through the study of polity, institutions, economy, society and policies within India, this course exposes students to significant issues in the contemporary Indian setting. A critical understanding of our contemporary Indian society becomes indispensable for a teacher, who needs to respond to the social context of children and their diverse life experiences and to understand the implications of education within political, economic and social structures. This course, therefore, has been structured into themes and draws upon different social science disciplines to facilitate a broad understanding of the complex nature of issues and topics under discussion. The course should enable students and teachers to think critically and to be able to situate their personal and general assumptions within a broader sociological framework.
Specific Objectives
• To be familiar with the interdisciplinary analysis of concepts, ideas and concerns
• To gain an understanding of the socio- political and economic dimensions of Indian society and appreciating its diversity
• To develop an understanding of the trends, issues, and challenges facing contemporary Indian society.
• To arrive at a critical understanding of the achievements and persisting problems of the contemporary Indian context and the challenges facing it.
Unit 1: Constitution of India and Education 50 Hrs. 25 Marks
• Constitutional vision of independent India: then and now
• Constitution and Education: Concurrent status of education
• Policies, Acts and Provisions related to education and children with special reference to their contexts (class, caste, tribe, religion, language and gender)
• Reservation as an egalitarian policy
• Equality and Justice in the Indian Constitution, differential school system and the idea of common neighborhood school
Unit 2: Right to Education Act 2009 24Hrs. 12 Marks
• Rights of the child
• Roles and responsibilities of the teacher
• School governance and management
• Curriculum and evaluation imperatives.
• A brief reference to the Rules to the RTE Act, as approved by the Haryana Government.
• Education in the concurrent list; implication for the Centre and the States.
Unit 3: Democracy in India 50 Hrs. 25 Marks
• Democratic Systems and Institutional Structures: Party system and electoral Politics. The centre and the State, the Judiciary, Legislature and Executive
• Decentralization and Panchayati Raj (specifically through 73rd and 74th amendment)
• Grass root social and political movements and Indian democracy
• Inequities of caste, class, gender and religious and linguistic identities
Unit 4: Indian Economy 16 Hrs. 08 Marks
• Issues and Debates on Globalization, Liberalization and Privatization of economy
• Development and Environmental concerns
• Unorganised sector and migrant labor (to be studied with the help of a project based on locally done field work)
Some Suggested Projects on Contemporary Indian issues (Any two projects)
• Critical appraisal of Constitutional values as practiced in an Educational Institution
• Comparative study of different workplaces Conflicts and Social Movements in India: Women, Dalit and tribal movements,
• Displacement, Land, Human Rights, Communal mobilization
• Displacement and Development
• Educational debates and movements
• First generation learners in school
• Children with disability and inclusive education
• Role of Media in Democracy
• Understanding childhood in India
• Analysis of contemporary debates in media
• Education for Peace
• Construct of the child and school in RTE act
• Language within school
• Tracing any farm/industrial product to its origin
• Role of state and international political economy in producing and addressing marginalization
• Linguistic and religious diversity of India
• Significance of minority rights
• Educational status, opportunities and experiences of Dalits, Tribals and Religious minorities in India
• Marginalization and education of children from slums and distress migration
• Challenges of pluralist education in the context of conflict
• Impact of electronic media on children
• Understanding youth culture in the present times and the impact of internet and other visual mediums
Mode of Transaction
• Teachers should incorporate discussions, projects, documentaries, movies and fields based projects
• Close and critical reading, as well as analysis of various articles, policy documents, texts, documentaries, movies should be developed
• In a group, student-teacher should conduct field based projects, and be able to analytically document their findings
• Dialogue and discussions has to be the key for the transaction of this course
4. DE 151 Children’s Physical and Emotional Health, School Health and Education I
Student Contact Hours: 50 Maximum Marks: 30 (15 External + 15 Internal)
Rationale and Aim
The relationship between education and health forms the core rationale behind this course. While the role of education on health has been widely acknowledged, the impact of health on education is often not recognized adequately. This course unfolds the reciprocal relationship between health and education. Health is a necessary condition for learning apart from being a basic right of every child. Enrolment, retention, concentration and learning outcomes in the classroom have a strong linkage with a child’s physical and
emotional health.
A holistic understanding of health implies a perspective on health that is not merely freedom from germs and disease but an understanding of the social, economic, mental/emotional and physical aspects of health. It becomes essential for the teacher to locate the social determinants of health and to root any health communication/education in the socio-economic and cultural context of the child. This forms an essential
foundational and theoretical component of the course. This approach will lead away from the ‘hygiene-education’ focus of health education which stresses behavioural changes and puts the responsibility of health on the child. Instead, the course aims to equip the teacher with a perspective that helps both the teacher and the children understand health issues as determined by socio-economic contexts. This will enable them to move beyond a solely behavioural change model to an approach that seeks to address larger health determinants. This is not to deny the importance of healthy habits but it is important to recognize that to tell a child to ‘bathe every day’ or ‘eat nutritious foods’ is not sufficient. The teacher will have to locate health messages and ideas in the lived reality of the children they teach so as to meaningfully engage with the issue. It is important to see the role of the teacher as one that includes within it the perspective of a health worker. This does not in any way mean an additional workload. However we see this as inherent in her work itself. Here there is a clear overlap of ideas with the course on Child Studies.
Understanding a child necessarily includes understanding the health of the child within a social context. A course on health lends a natural opportunity for teachers to understand children in their life context and increases sensitivity to the children and their socioeconomic background. It is possible to address issues of teacher attitudes, engagement and willingness to accept diversity in their classroom. This is likely to help teachers move towards a broad vision of inclusive education through an understanding of health and
well-being in the broadest sense. Instead of speaking of teacher attitudes alone, the course gives student-teachers a chance to understand unequal and multiple kinds of childhood that children experience.
Specific Objectives
1. To build a holistic understanding of the concept of health and well-being and understand children’s health needs using a social determinants framework.
2. To understand the reciprocal relationship between health and education and understand the role of the teacher and possible ways of engaging with health concerns.
3. To examine specific programmes related to children’s health operating in schools.
4. To build knowledge and skills on teaching health and physical education and integration of their themes with other curricula areas of teacher education and school subjects.
5. To link theoretical and conceptual learning with actual school/classroom realities through practical work.
Running Thread of the Course
The most important thread running through the course is the need for the student teacher to understand that health and education are reciprocally linked and she must in various ways engage with the health needs of children. The thread of gaining a holistic understanding of health and seeing it as located in a social reality runs across the course and connects issues like physical health, emotional health and ‘health of the school’. A life of health and well-being in a holistic sense is a right of every child. A teacher sensitive to the social context of children can play the crucial role in achieving this right. Theory and practical units are closely knitted together and the idea is a constant process of reflection.
Units of Study: The sections on Units of Study include ideas on the mode of transacting each course as the courses have inbuilt theoretical study as well as practical work.
Unit 1: Understanding Health and Well- Being 15 Hrs. 09 Marks (04 External + 05 Internal)
• The meaning of health and well-being
• Biomedical versus social health models
• Understanding the linkages between poverty, inequality and health
• Social determinants of health- stratification structures, food, livelihood, location, sanitation, access to health services etc.
Unit 2: Understanding Children’s Health Needs 15 Hrs. 09 Marks (05 External + 04 Internal)
• Reciprocal Linkage between Health and Education
• Childhood Health Concerns, Hunger and Malnutrition- meaning and measures and country/state data
• Morbidity Mapping- Methods, observation, daily notes
• Methods to understand children’s health perceptions and self assessment of health
Unit 3: Health of Children in the Context of School 20 Hrs. 12 Marks (06 External + 06 Internal)
• Mid Day Meal Programme: Rationale, Objectives, Components, Functioning,
• Measuring the ‘Health of the School’: Issues of Water, sanitation, toilets etc.
• Role of the teacher and engagement with the programmes
• Capturing children’s perceptions on food, work, play, Mid Day Meal etc
5. DE 152 Pedagogy across the Curriculum
Student Contact Hours: 70 Maximum Marks: 50 (25 External + 25 Internal)
Rationale and Aim
The purpose of this course is to engage student-teachers with key issues of organizing schools and learning environments and of visualizing and selecting appropriate pedagogic approaches. The course should enable them to link their understanding of children, of their social contexts and of curricular knowledge, to practical steps in organizing, motivating and assessing learning. While engagement with subject matter is the chief aim of pedagogic courses specific to disciplines, this course focuses on generic aspects of pedagogy that cut across various school subjects. It intends to widen their awareness of pedagogic possibilities, and to enrich their 'pedagogic imagination', so that student teachers can think beyond standard approaches, and try to fit their pedagogic approaches with their aims of teaching and learning, while creating non-threatening learning environments.
Unit 1: Frameworks for Teaching and Learning 20 Hours 15 Marks (7 External + 8 Internal)
• Learning Environments in School Contexts Classroom spaces, laboratory, resource room, library, outdoor spaces; idea of building as a learning aid.
• Ways of Organizing Schools, Classrooms and Learning Process
Organization of non-graded or multi-grade, multi level schools and classrooms: Individual tasks; small group activities; peer supported learning; individualized learning programmes and the place and purpose of these. Organizing grade-based classrooms: Whole class teaching, individual tasks, pair-work, small group
activities, cooperative learning in groups and the place and purpose of these
• Planning for teaching
Need for (and approaches to) planning for the year or term, unit plans, planning for specific classroom sessions, planning for specific students Key considerations in planning I: learners and their background knowledge; everyday concepts and situated cognition; learning objectives and learning experience; visualizing grouping of students Key considerations in planning II: selecting and organising subject-matter;
selecting formats of teaching-learning for enabling construction of knowledge; use of textbooks, other resource materials; expositions, task-setting, project planning Key considerations in planning III: formulating questions to assess readiness levels; to facilitate conceptualisation and reflection and to assess grasp and learning amongst students.
Specific Units can be selected in each of the school subjects to concretise the experience
of planning classroom teaching
• Managing classroom learning
Managing teaching-learning materials and resources; Managing teaching-learning time and phases in a lesson; Managing students (in a group and individually) Questioning current disciplinary practices; creating attention, motivation and discipline in a non-threatening learning environment
• Critical review of educational practices and ‘child-centred’ learning Critical
examination of terminology and practices associated with standard teacher centred pedagogy (‘chalk and talk’) as well as child-centred learning (‘learning by discovery’; ‘joyful learning’; ‘playway method’; ‘activity-based learning’; ‘project based learning’) Critical examination of notions of learner capacity and tendencies associated with labelling children as intelligent, slow learners, ‘educable’ etc.
Unit 2: Role of Assessment in Teaching and Learning 12 Hours 10 Marks (5 External + 5 Internal)
• Distinguishing Assessment for Learning and Assessment of Learning
Modes of Assessment – a range from informal to formal modes Place of assessment and feedback in the learning process Understanding Formative Assessment and Summative Assessment Who assesses? Implications of assessments led by students
• Strategies for Assessment
Strategies for formative assessment; assessment as a continuum, creating learning profiles, including portfolios; error analysis; developing and using assessment rubrics Strategies for summative assessment; designing effective tests Critical review of teaching and assessment practices based solely on tests and
• Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) : Concept, Purpose and Strategy. Introduction of Scheme of CCE in Haryana, its implementation and coping with various operational issues Corrective measures for enhancing learning achievements of students: Identification of areas of strengths and diagnosis of problems on the basis of CCE and formulation of remedial programme for improving the quality of learning.
Unit 3: Use of Library, Audio-visual and ICT Resources
18 Hours 10 Marks (5 External + 5 Internal)
• Managing and Using the School Library
Using library as a resource in planning for teaching Educating students to use the library for non-guided reading (for pleasure) Guiding students to use the library as a resource for reference Critical review of current library practices
• Use of Audio-visual Resources
Critical review of the impact of audio-visual media on students Strategies for using audio-visual media – films, documentaries – in furthering learning
• ICT in Teaching-Learning
Critical examination of the role of ICT in contemporary education Basics of Computer assisted Learning: Major components of Computers, basic Knowledge of computer operations, Using computer as a strategy and Source of Learning using various packages, doing Project work on MS Word, Preparing Mark Sheets and organizing data with the help of MS Excel, Power-Point presentation Capacity development in use of ICTs – accessing internet websites as a Resource for upgrading content knowledge, social networks for interaction And sharing knowledge ICT-based teaching-learning approaches in schools and teacher professional development.
Basic knowledge of Computer and its use in Education (Internal) 20 Hours 15 Marks (8 External + 7Internal)
Modes of Transaction
• Critical reading and discussion of specific texts/articles to broaden exposure and develop conceptual clarity (For Units 1, 2 & 3)
• Critical observation of schools and classrooms to understand alternative ways of organizing these; appreciate the elements that make for ‘learning environments’
• Observing, documenting and interpreting classroom interactions; analyse situations that reflect a distinction between learning experiences and learning outcomes and understand key ingredients of a sound pedagogy
• Analysis of content and presentation in school textbooks, for visualizing understanding perspective and for pedagogic elements required for their usage in a classroom
• Develop (a) concept maps and activities for theme based curriculum design, and (b) teaching plans for a selected topic/concept in a subject. (All the above for Unit 1)
• Develop a portfolio of assessment tools and designing assessments for the above. (For Unit 2)
• Practical exercises for developing competence in use of library, audio-visual and ICT resources.(For unit 3)
6. DE 153 Towards Self-understanding and Evolving an Education Vision - I
Student Contact Hours: 70 Maximum Marks: 50 (25 External + 25 Internal)
Rationale and Aim
Teachers teach what they know, they educate what they are.” This maxim suggests that more than any other profession, education and teaching require the whole being of the teacher to be engaged with the life and learning of their students. This course aims at the inner development of the student-teachers as individuals who are engaged in a process of self-understanding and begin to take responsibility for their own learning as also the learning of their students. Such self-understanding would involve critical reflection on factors that have shaped one’s identity and personality, an awareness of one’s thought patterns, motivations and behavior, and openness to learn and renew oneself. This would then reflect in a capacity for social-relational sensitivity, a search for harmony within and without, and a deeper level of communication with students, colleagues and others. This course also intends to initiate student-teachers into a process of original thinking about their wider educational concerns and the conscious development of an evolving perspective on education. In beginning to develop their own educational vision they would gain the impetus to translate their knowledge of children, their subject areas, and the contemporary Indian reality, into workable curricula and teaching-learning practices within their classrooms and schools that are coherent with their evolving values. It is through such an agency of teachers that any kind transformation in themselves, their students and society at large, may begin.
Strand A: Journal Writing & Writing Tasks 30 Hours 20 Marks (10 External + 10 Internal)
Journal Writing
• To enable student-teachers to become more conscious of their responses to experiences, observations of life situations, as also of ideas and issues that arise in their minds, and to thus develop their capacity for reflection
• To allow for an individual contact and interaction between faculty and student
Mode of Transaction
• Each student-teacher should be asked to maintain a regular Journal, in which he/she may write: a) short reflective accounts of significant experiences b) observations of life situations that evoke questions and responses c) questions on education, learning or teaching that he/she is grappling with.
• The Journal should be periodically shared (once a fortnight is recommended) with a faculty mentor, who will read through it and offer brief comments, suggestions, or further questions for the student-teacher to reflect on.
Writing Tasks
• To enable student-teachers to recall and reflect on their own educational journeys and become conscious of factors that have shaped their aspirations and expectations
• To synthesize their experiences and learning over a period of time
Suggested Tasks
• Writing an ‘Educational autobiography’ (at the beginning of the D. Ed course)
• Writing a reflective statement of aspirations and expectations, based on one’s learning so far in the course (after six months in the course)
Strand B: Work Shop & Seminar 40 Hours 30 Marks (15 External + 15 Internal)
Workshop 1: A significant event or experience in life
• To make student-teachers aware of some key shaping factors in their lives
• To enable an exploration of one significant event or experience
• To share and learn from each other’s experiences
Suggested workshop themes
• Representing key events and experiences – as timeline, mind-map, pictorial poster, any other
• Investigating the texture of one key event/experience (working with partners) – ‘what did it look like?’; ‘what did it feel like?’; ‘What did it mean?’ ‘What does it feel like today?’
• Sharing and assimilating a range of experiences
Workshop 2: Learning to Observe (and to Listen)
• Sensitizing student-teachers to the ‘difficulty’ of openness in observation and listening
• Enabling them to become aware of the nature of their judgments and ‘quick’ interpretation and opinion (that ‘filters’ or ‘distorts’ observation and listening)
Suggested workshop themes
• Observation of nature; observation of persons; observation of (and listening to) situations
• Exercises in observation and listening to uncover one’s judgments and interpretations (and slow these down, to allow for richer perceptions)
• Multiple views on a variety of situations: classroom situations, and human situations in a school context
Workshop 3: Mindfulness in the classroom
• Making student-teachers aware of mind-body connections
• Introducing approaches to mindfulness
• Appreciating the effects of mindfulness on learning and action
Suggested workshop themes
• Sitting quietly and inviting mindfulness
• Individual breathing exercises and self-awareness of body and mind
• Exploring group exercises for mindfulness
• Mindfulness through the day, in classrooms, in stressful contexts
• Mindfulness and emotional well-being
• Mindfulness and decision-making Mindfulness in cognitive learning
Workshop 4: Understanding working in groups Objectives
• Enabling an understanding of patterns of behaviour in groups
• Developing skills for and appreciating the importance of working in groups
Suggested workshop themes
• Exploring structural situations that promote competition or cooperation
• Exploring hierarchies and role-taking in group situations
• Exploring inclusion and exclusion in groups
• Facilitation of group working – everyone has a part to play
• Exercises for learning to work in groups
(Modes of Transaction would include ‘role-plays’ and ‘enactments’ followed by discussions)
Workshop 5: Viewing and analyzing film(s)
• Viewing films with social and educational content
• Learning to analyse and derive personal meaning from this
• Sharing different points of view on a film
Suggested workshop themes
• Purposive film viewing Ways of analyzing themes
• Detailed observation of a key scene and discussion
• Ways of seeing situations in the film Writing a film review
Workshop 6: Celebration of an iconic cultural figure
( eg Kabir/Tagore/Narayan Guru/Meerabai/Akka Mahadevi/ Jnaneswar/ Basava/
Thyagaraj/ A Sufi saint : depending on region and culture)
• Rich exposure to cultural forms around an iconic figure of the region – stories, music, arts, etc
• To participate in celebrating cultural roots and absorbing the ideas and expressions that emerge from these
Suggested workshop themes
• Authentic performance by a practitioner
• Participation in learning and celebrating (in appropriate media)
• Discussion of cultural world-view and contemporary relevance of the icon
• Writing based on the above
Seminar 1: Glimpses of different childhoods in India
Format: Student-teachers present, via different media – narrative, photographs, audiovisual
presentation, illustrated poster etc - stories of Indian children growing up in vastly differing circumstances; sharing to be followed by discussion
Preparation: Resource books and films to be gathered; each student-teacher picks a particular type of childhood and researches the life situation, the opportunities and constraints of an imaginary or real child from this circumstance; photographs, interviews etc. may be used.
Seminar 2: Selection of short readings and dialogue
Format: A selection of short but provocative readings on issues of life and education, to be read together, followed by exploratory dialogue in small groups
Preparation: Making a careful selection of readings that lend themselves to a non polemic discussion and exploration
Seminar 3: The Role of science and religion in Society
Format: Debate and Discussion
Preparation: Topic to be formulated to allow for different perspectives; some texts to be identified as resources; student-teachers prepare in groups
Seminar 4: Education and environmental crises
Format: Film and presentation or reading of a text; small group discussions around selected themes drawn from the film; sharing of implications for education
Preparation: Selection of a contemporary documentary or audio-visual presentation
Internal: This should be based on:
1. Qualitative grading for Journal writing – periodicity and quality of entries
2. Qualitative grading for participation in seminars – quality of preparation and presentation/participation
3. Marking of periodic writing tasks (four in number) – by faculty mentor
External: This should be based on qualitative grading for quality of participation in a series of workshops – by resource persons for each workshop
7. DE 201 Understanding Language and Early Literacy
Student Contact Hours: 140 Maximum Marks: 100 (70 External + 30 Internal)
Rationale and Aim
Language is not only the means of communication it is also a medium through which most of the knowledge is acquired. It is a system that structures the reality around us and represent it in our minds. Language is not confined to the language classroom. It pervades all aspects, subjects and activities of a school and society at large. The key issues need a systematic study. The primary objective of the paper is to make teachers aware of the dynamics language operationalizes, as it exists in the classroom, in children’s homes and the larger society and nation. the paper also aims to create in the teachers an understanding of how children learn language skills, the cumulative, developmental and synergistic nature of language learning and factors facilitating or impeding language learning. To draw connections with theory while planning for instruction is another significant aim of this paper.
Specific Objectives
To help the students understand
• the nature of language
• interplay of language and society
• the developmental process of language acquisition
• function of Language and how children use them as a tool at different developmental stages
• significance and acquisition of early literacy in the larger context of school curriculum.
• ways of handling aspects of grammar not in isolation but by creatively integrating it with text.
Unit 1: Nature of language 24 Hours 12 Marks
• Rule governed system and language
• Relationship of Language and Society: Identity, power and discrimination
• Nature of multilingualism: Differential status of Indian language classroom
• Critiquing state policies on language and education
Unit 2: Language Acquisition and Development 32 Hours 16 Marks
• Language Acquisition and Language Learning
• Development of the four language skills :the synergistic relationship
• Developing reading and writing skills in children
(a) Emergent literacy: Readiness for learning
(b) Early Literacy: process of transition
(c) Early Language education : focus on learning in primary and grades.
• Children's background and School Experience Preparing schools for children –the social diversity paradigm
Unit 3: Language across the Curriculum 28 Hours 14 Marks
• Function of Language: In the classroom, outside the classroom
• Language in Education and Curriculum
• Learning language and Learning through Language
Unit 4: The classroom practices and possibilities 32 Hours 16 Marks
• Perspectives on recording and writing
• Prevalent language teaching practices and approaches and their critique
• Connections between classroom instruction and theories
• Role of literature in language learning
• Learner’s active role in understanding literature
• Using Children’s literature across curriculum.
• Classroom Practice in context of social justice, gender differences, individual differences and inclusive environment.
Unit 5: Assessment 24 Hours 12 Marks
• Assessment as a continuum
• Use of multiple sources for comprehensive assessment
• Ways of assessment- observation, records, maintaining profiles, etc.
• Assessment test and corrective measures.
Mode of Transaction
• Close and critical readings of selective texts under 'Discussion' Readings in small groups.
• Participatory transaction by building them around responses of students.
• Giving Students opportunities to go through experiential process for transacting some topics such as process writing.
8. DE 202 Proficiency in Hindi
fgUnh izoh.krk
Student Contact Hours: 70 Maximum Marks: 50 (35 External + 15 Internal)
fgUnh Áoh.krk
ikB~;Øe dh :i js[kk lS)kafrd i{k
dqy vad % 50 cká % 35 vkarfjd % 15 dqy ?kaVs %70
• ekr`Hkk"kk ds 'kq) mPpkj.k rFkk 'kq) orZuh fpàksa ls ifjfpr djkukA
• ekr`Hkk"kk f'k{k.k ds Lrj dks leqUur djus ds fy, Hkkf"kd ,oa lkfgfR;d Kku ls ifjfpr djkukA
• fopkjksa dks lqudj ;k i<+dj xzg.k djus dh ;ksX;rk fodflr djukA
• fopkjksa dks ekSf[kd ,oa fyf[kr :i esa izHkko'kkyh <ax ls O;Dr djus dh ;ksX;rk fodflr djukA
• lkSUn;Z cks/k] fpUru ,oa ltZukRed ;ksX;rk fodflr djukA
• iBu] Jo.k] dFku ,oa ys[ku dkS'ky dh ;ksX;rk fodflr djukA
• 'kCn Hk.Mkj esa o`f) djukA
bdkbZ&1- Hkk"kk;h dkS'ky %& lquuk] cksyuk] fy[kuk] i<+uk 10 vad 20 ?kaVs
Jo.k dkS'ky & Jo.k dk vFkZ o egÙo] mÌs';] fof/k;k¡] Jo.k nks"k ds dkj.k o lq/kkjA
dFku dkS'ky & ifjHkk"kk] egÙo] dFku dh fof/k;k¡] fofHkUu lksiku tSls & iz'uksÙkj] fp= o.kZu] ?kVuk o.kZu] ukVd] Hkk"k.k] lekpkj okpu] VsyhQksu okrkZ vkfnA ys[ku dkS'ky & ys[ku dh izd`fr] vko';drk o egÙo] ys[ku dh fof/k;k¡] ys[ku ds fofHkUu lksiku tSls & vuqys[k] Jqrys[k] lqys[k] ';keiêys[ku] ys[ku nks"k] dkj.k ,oa fuokj.k] vkfnA
iBu dkS'ky & iBu dh izd`fr] egÙo] fofHkUu lksiku] izdkj rFkk iBu dkS'ky dh fof/k;k¡ vkfnA
bdkbZ&2- O;kdj.k f'k{k.k %& 10 vad 20 ?kaVs
o.kZ & ifjHkk"kk ,oa Hksn
'kCn & ifjHkk"kk ,oa Hksn
laf/k & ifjHkk"kk ,oa Hksn
milxZ&izR;;] fodkjh ,oa vfodkjh in] mPpkj.k o orZuh
bdkbZ&3- jpuk f'k{k.k %& 8 vad 15 ?kaVs
jpuk dk vFkZ] egÙo ,oa mís'; & jpuk ds fyf[kr :I tSls & i=] fuca/k] vuqPNsn] dgkuh] laokn] lkj la{ksi.k o fjiksVZ ys[ku vkfnA
bdkbZ&4- lkfgfR;d fo/kkvksa dk ifjp; %& 7 vad 15 ?kaVs
dfork] dgkuh] fuca/k] thouh] vkRedFkk ,oa ,dkadh dk lkekU; ifjp;A
9. DE 203 Proficiency in English
Student Contact Hours: 70 Maximum Marks: 50 (35 External + 15 Internal)
Rationale and Aim
The purpose of this course is to enable the student-teachers to improve their proficiency in English. This course focuses on the receptive (listening and reading) and productive (speaking and writing) skills of English and combines within each of these, both an approach on proficiency in usage and proficiency in classroom teaching. The aim will be to enjoy learning English and to constantly reflect on this learning to link it with pedagogical strategies.
Specific Objectives
• To strengthen the student-teacher's own English language proficiency.
• To brush up their knowledge of grammatical, lexical and discourse systems in English.
• To enable students to link this with pedagogy.
• To re-sequence units of study for those who may have no knowledge of English.
Unit 1: Nature of Language 10 Hours 05 Marks
• What is a language: first, second and foreign language?
• Language as a means of communication and thinking Communicative language teaching
• Constructing knowledge in the classroom
• Understanding the importance of a language-rich classroom.
Unit 2: Listening and Speaking 15 Hours 08 Marks
Developing/Improving Listening and Speaking Skills
• Listening with comprehension to follow simple instructions, public announcements,
• Telephonic conversations, classroom discussions, radio, T.V news, sports commentary etc
• Sound system of language – phonology & prosody
• Stress – word stress and sentence stress in connected speech
• Using dictionary for correct pronunciation and stress
Teaching Listening and Speaking Skills
• Phonemic drills (with the use of minimal pairs eg., bit, beat etc.)
• Organizing listening and speaking activities: rhymes, chants, songs, use of stories, poems, role play and dramatization
Unit 3: Reading 12 Hours 06 Marks
Acquisition of Reading Skills
• Reading with comprehension different types of texts
• Reading for global and local comprehension
• Inferences, analysis and extrapolation
• Reading strategies including word-attack strategies
• Discourse analysis
• Using reading as a tool for reference skills i.e. use of dictionary, encyclopaedia and internet
• Using ideas of critical literacy to analyse chapters from textbooks
Teaching Reading Skills
• Creating an environment for reading – reading clubs, class libraries
• Reading aloud and silent reading
• Scaffolding: concept and activities
• Reading different texts types like stories, poems, riddles, jokes, and instructions for games
Unit 4: Writing 13 Hours 06 Marks
Improving Writing Skills
• Writing a paragraph: identifying a topic sentence, arranging sentences in a logical
• order and joining them with linking words and phrases Different forms of writing
– letters (application, complaint, permission, invitation), messages, notices and posters
• Genre writing
• Doing the above to experience the process of writing: brainstorming, drafting, editing,
• conferencing, modifying, revising, publishing
• Using writing frames and guided writing processes
Teaching Writing Skills
• Writing as process
• Mechanics of writing(strokes and curves, capital and small, cursive and print script, punctuation) Controlled/guided writing(verbal and visual inputs)
• Free and creative writing
Unit 5: Grammar 20 Hours 10 Marks
Parts of speech; Phrases; Verbs Kinds of sentences; Subject-verb agreement; Tenses; Clauses and Connectors Non-finites; Voices; Narration
Mode of Transaction
• Classroom discussions for developing conceptual understanding.
• Close reading of text material/research papers.
• Individual and group presentations of issues and concerns raised in assignments.
• Theoretical and practical activities/exercises/investigations on the core areas of reading, writing, speaking and listening;
• Critical analysis of school textbooks.
10. DE 204 Mathematics Education for Primary School Child
Student Contact Hours: 140 Maximum Marks: 100 (70 External + 30 Internal)
Rationale and Aim
When children come to school, they are already familiar with mathematics and are using it in their own ways. In school they come across a systematic treatment of mathematics which at times is in conflict with their internalized processes. It is important for teachers to understand these conflicts and differences for effective learning. In the Position Paper produced by the National Focus Group on Teaching of Mathematics (NCERT, 2006) it was said, “Mathematics education relies very heavily on the preparation that the teacher
has, in her own understanding of mathematics, and in her bag of pedagogic techniques”. Every teacher needs to develop her understanding of mathematics afresh from the point of view that takes in account the processes in which learning takes place in children’s’ mind. Teachers need to be aware of the ways in which students think so that they can design and adapt their teaching approaches to deal with the alternative conceptions of mathematical knowledge of young learners. The aim of the course is to sensitize prospective teachers that, not only do they need to reflect on their own knowledge of mathematical content taught at the primary level but they also need to connect to children and their experiences. Engagement with this course should enable prospective teachers to learn and reflect on what research has to say about children and their mathematics education and use it to promote learning.
Specific Objectives
To help student-teachers:
• reflect on what is mathematics, by actually "doing" mathematics – spotting and exploring patterns in a calendar, a multiplication table and other such number matrices
• reflect on why we need to learn mathematics
• reflect on the fact that mathematics is a subject that everyone can do and enjoy
• develop deeper insights into the content areas of mathematics at the primary level
• become aware of factors that impact on the process of acquisition of mathematical knowledge
• acquire sensitive student-teachers about the ways in which children respond to mathematical knowledge
• become aware of the historical roots of the subject, and of great problems that mathematicians have grappled with in past centuries, which have served as guide posts in the development of the subject; to make student-teachers aware of the fact that mathematics is a human endeavour
• become aware of the exploratory nature of the subject, and the fact that mathematics is "work in progress" and not a "finished product"
• gain awareness of the aesthetic and fun side of mathematics, and its rootedness in pattern, rhythm and play, through exposure to mosaic, rangoli, kolam, number games and puzzles
• gain facility in hand-on activities such as paper folding and model making
• develop skills, have deeper insights, acquire appropriate attitudes, learn effective strategies that promote effective children’s learning
Unit 1: Pedagogical Content Knowledge 40 Hours 20 Marks
• Numbers: Number Concept, Counting, Place value, Arithmetic operations, Fractions, Decimals, using paper folding to show operations on fractions
• Space and Shape: Geometric shapes, construction of geometric shapes through paper folding, Symmetry, Polyhedra, Tessellations, Kolam, Rangoli, Mosaic, Islamic architecture
• Measurement: The idea of unit, length, area, volume, weight, time, money, temperature
• Data Handling: Sorting, Classification, Tabling, Reading information from simple graphs
Unit 2: Perspective about Mathematical Knowledge 20 Hours 10 Marks
• Aspects of mathematical knowledge: Conceptual and Procedural
• Vergnaud’s framework for acquisition of concepts with respect to mathematical knowledge
• Effect of socio-cultural background of children on mathematical knowledge
Unit 3: Children’s Conceptualisation of Mathematics 32 Hours 16 Marks
• Theories of mathematics learning: Piaget, Dienes, Skemp, Ausable, Bruner, Vygotsky
• Mental mathematics
• Contribution of Indian mathematicians.
• Role of language of communication in a mathematics classroom
Unit 4: Aspects of Teaching Mathematics 28 Hours 14 Marks
• Beliefs about teaching-learning processes
• Planning for teaching
• Hidden curriculum: Social justice, gender differences, individual differences, Inclusive environment
Unit 5: Assessment 20 Hours 10 Marks
• Purpose of assessment
• Planning assessment
• Assessment tools
• Evaluation of performance
Mode of Transaction
• Prospective teachers to be engaged in discussions on observed children’s work in order to acquire an understanding how children respond to mathematical knowledge
• Prospective Teachers in groups develop concept maps to understand linkages and relationships between various mathematical concepts and to imbibe the importance of team work
• Reading of texts (suggested as discussion) with dialogue to understand theory from the point of view of issues raised
• Collecting historical samples of mathematical knowledge (such as ways to multiply in different cultures) and reflecting on them
• Performing simple mathematical experiments and investigations, with numbers or geometric shapes
• Preparing mathematical models, particularly geometric – paper folding, straw or string models of polyhedra, tessellations, etc
• Critically examining teaching-learning materials through presentations
9. Zevenbergen, R., et al. (2005), Teaching Mathematics in Primary Schools. Allen & Unwin: Australia (First South Asian Edition). Chapter 2, 3, 7 and 9.
11. DE 251 Creative Drama, Fine Arts and Education
Student Contact Hours: 70 Maximum Marks: 40 (20 External + 20 Internal)
Design of the Practicum
This practicum includes three critical areas of focus: creative drama, fine arts and work and education. All three components are to be covered through the two years of the D.Ed programme. Weightage for each is given separately. The rationale, aim and objectives of each focus area are also given separately to facilitate the detailed design and transaction of this practicum.
Rationale and Aim of the Practicum
The well being and fulfillment of an individual’s potentials is the common thread of the components of fine art and creative drama as it connects with work experience and health education. Work experience is a space where working transcends vocational skills and aims to create a whole experience of being fully present and working with all of one’s faculties and being in relationship with others and nature. Health education goes beyond general advice on hygiene and nutrition, placing health within the social and community realm; helps appreciate the interconnectedness of an individual’s physical, emotional health with that of social, environmental health of the human and natural community. Art education aims to help connect these two with the inner aspects of one’s being and to appreciate and create beauty and harmony within and outside. It operates from a paradigm that the aesthetic needs are fundamental to all human beings and by creating
opportunities to work on these, hone them, cultivate them, we can hope to create harmonious individuals and a harmonious world. It is not about beautification- applying something from outside, but an ability to appreciate the inherent rhythm, beauty and harmony in forms, relations, and character.
Creative Drama: Rationale and Aim
Creative Drama: There are two broad aims of creative drama for education. One is for the student-teachers to use drama processes to examine their present and to generate new knowledge, understanding and perceptions of the world and themselves in it. The second aim is to train, enhance some theatre skills that will later help them be creative and enlightened teachers. A process that draws our physical, emotional, intellectual and other faculties together in a moment (e.g. life itself) makes for worthwhile, far reaching,
Holistic learning. Drama is one such experience and should therefore have a central place in school education.
It is important to stress that drama is not about the self alone or self expression alone. The process of drama is a social experience. It is about the richness of understanding that can be generated by a group about society, self and the interconnections. The understanding generated within a group is internalised and is carried forward by the individual in diverse personal and social contexts. The focus of drama is on the student-teacher, building her/his creative capacities through theatre.
Specific Objectives
1. To draw out and work with different faculties simultaneously i.e. physical, intuitive, emotional, sensual and mental through practical exercises.
2. Build imagination and concentration of the body and mind. Structured exercises for coordinating, enhancing and translating imagination into physical expression.
3. Learn to challenge and shift one’s own attitude and standpoint as one learns to understand multiple perspectives to empathise.
4. Identify and develop one’s own creative potential.
5. Bring the arts into the centre of exploration, e.g. in visual arts: semiotics of the image/film/play/music; how is an image to be made meaning of; how can an image act as a starting point for an exploration?
6. Recognise the role of ‘drama as education’ in the elementary school
7. Learn to identify areas that are best suited for drama exploration
8. Examine through chosen themes, how learning can take place in the classroom through group drama exploration by a whole class of elementary school students
9. Explore the role of the teacher as creative guide in learning that is drama driven
Creative Drama: Focus Areas
1. In drama exploration, the overall context presented to students is to understand life and to learn from life. The mode is experiential. The exercises are structured by the teacher, but the experience and its outcome is generated by participants in the process. The experience and reflection on that, is the learning. However for
this to happen it is mandatory that the exercises are planned and structured by the teacher and not offered as ‘open improvisations’.
2. Encourage recognition of differences among people: caste, class, gender, religion, age, community, occupation, lifestyle, etc. and how these influence actions, decisions, and relationships of people. Learn to place oneself in a wider arena of these cross cutting currents. The self to be placed in the context of the other. “How should I look at the other? What does that reveal about me?” Go beyond the immediate and look at other groups and settings, e.g. rural, the disadvantaged and other cultural communities.
3. Ways of seeing situations, social structures and communities. To sharpen observation and to learn to continuously ask probing questions while investigating situations. Develop the capacity to look at same situation from different perspectives. Learning to recognise contradictions within situations with the aim
of grasping a better understanding of the situation rather than wanting to look for solutions.
4. Finding connections between the particular and the universal. How larger processes and contexts play out in the specific context of daily life situations and vice versa. For instance, the case of a marginalised dalit woman seeking medical help is connected with the larger worlds of state responsibility and public health
policy, prevailing gender relations, the judiciary, etc.
5. Change as a principle of life. Identifying it within drama work; the repercussions of change, who does it affect, why and how?
6. Learning to continuously reflect on and analyse classroom exploration and their connection with events and situations in world outside. Evaluating one’s own and group’s progress in class.
Mode of Transaction
Games to help loosen up, sharpen reflexes, have fun while building imagination in different ways. Build imagination within games and exercises. Add conditions to games to draw together and harness different physical, emotional, mental faculties. Use theatrical exercises to awaken sensory awareness and transformation. Devise preparatory games and physical exercises to build imagination. Refine physical actions and integrate the physical with other faculties. Exercises in observation, communication, associative
thinking; building situations with imaginary objects and people.
Planned and structured drama exploration exercises designed to first experience and then, deepen social awareness of students. Some examples would include the use of an image (photo, painting) as a stimulus for exploration; still photographs of students themselves leading to tracking a line of thought about some issue. Participative learning using role play, hot seating, building stories/songs, making and analysing a ‘character’s’ diary, personal belongings (objects) of characters. Make short plays that can be performed by
student-teachers with aim to study school student’s responses during school contact programmes. Help build a set of skills so the class can organize role plays as well as larger school play that is built on students creativity rather than following a given script.
Fine Arts: Rationale and Aim
The aim of the Fine Arts component of the practicum is to understand interconnections between art, crafts, drama, culture, aesthetics, health and livelihoods. The aim is also to appreciate and engage with a diverse range of art processes, products and performances – folk and classical through exposure and exchange. It is believed that giving opportunities to school teachers to engage with aesthetics through art forms is likely to cultivate and hone their aesthetic sense and their ability to recognise beauty and harmony as essential
aspects of a life of quality.
Specific Objectives
1. Develop an understanding of art and craft, the need to appreciate it in different forms; the scope and purpose of art education and art as the basis of education.
2. Develop a perspective and appreciation of art, nature, human existence relationship.
3. Critique the current trends in art education and develop a possible scenario for art for change
4. Understand the range of traditional art forms and working with hands.
5. Develop an appreciation for diverse music forms and the role of music in human cultures.
6. Create and present pieces of art: using visual arts and crafts
7. Create and present pieces of performance art using music and movement
8. Evolve collective art projects incorporating different art media – into a public festival/ event.
9. Deepen understanding, appreciation and skills in one chosen medium through self work and evaluate self as an artist and art educator.
Fine Arts: Focus Areas
1. Art, Art appreciation and Art education: visit to places like crafts museums, bal bhavan, art galleries. Organise art, craft and music exercises with small groups followed by discussions and presentation. Any local exhibition or art event can be used as precursor for the session. The session should involve using some art for a while followed by a reflection on the experience and then connect it to their own school days and art.
2. Visual Art: Opportunities to experiment and create pieces of art using different medium. Focus on colours, textures, composition and thematic content. Using a range of medium: paper and water colors, paper and crayon, color pencils, acrylic, oil paint and canvass, student-teachers would learn about lines, forms, compositions, colors, space divisions etc. Specific tasks would include free drawing, developing narratives in visuals, composition of an imagined situation, telling a story through comic strips, creating a collage using images, bits cut out from old magazines, news paper etc.
3. Music: Orientation to different forms of music with either a film screening or lecture demonstration by an artist to show a wide range of musical forms and a brief history of one or two forms; connecting to music in nature and within our own selves; voice training: opening the voice, music and rhythm exercises: singing, creating music with different objects, practicing basic notes and tones; experimenting with one new forms: folk of any one region; collating music/songs from a community/within the family for special occasions or themes. (eg. lullabies from different language cultures, harvest songs, songs during the freedom struggle etc; create musical pieces with others; design and run sessions on music with children
4. Cinema and Electronic Media: Provide exposure to alternative cinema, develop appreciation for cinema as an art and understand the impact of the electronic media, it’s impact on our psyche and aesthetics; orientation with an expert on films providing a background followed by screening of known films; projects/discussion on television and our mindscape: storylines, the corruption of aesthetics, intervention in familial spaces, increasing legitimisation of violence; age appropriate viewing and selection of films
5. Literary Arts: linkage between language, literature and performing arts; appreciation of poetry as performance art, play reading and reading literature as an art, selection of poetic pieces and developing performances around it; exposure to readings in different language traditions: Hindi, English other regional languages and dialectics drawing upon local traditions.
6. Architecture and spatial Design: develop a deeper understanding of architectural heritage, appreciation of spatial designs and the aesthetics therein: colonial, Mughal, Sultanate period, Post Independence etc. Through heritage walks; political dynamics of space and its changing trends; cultural social connections with architecture and town/city planning; connection to natural resources and access to these viz a viz
architecture and design; spaces for children in a city.
7. Designing a Project for School Children: Participants to identify a specific age group of children and a relevant theme and design an art based project for them which should span over a period of time example – a heritage walk to a nearby monument and a public event about it – including art exhibition , plays, songs and other similar expressions; principles of inclusion, diversity, child-centered approaches would be a
given and the participants would be encouraged to use all that they have learnt in an interactive manner; feedback from students, teachers and community would be used for evaluation of this aspect.
12. DE 252 Work and Education
Student Contact Hours: 50 Maximum Marks: 30 (15 External + 15 Internal)
In the new curriculum framework (2005) work experience has been termed as work education and thus makes it an integral component of education. As such it would provide both knowledge and skills through well-structured and graded programmes, which would help them on their entry into the world of work. Work education is a distinct curricular area for providing children with opportunities for participation of social and economic activities inside and outside the classroom, which would enable them to understand scientific principles and procedures involved in different tyeps of work. The productive manual work situations were to be drawn from the area of health and hygiene, food, shelter, clothing, recreation and community service. The competencies to be developed in this field should include knowldege, understanding, practical skills and values through need based life activities. Pre-vocational courses should get a prominent place at this stage. Work edcucation aims at restoring dignity and respect to all types of manual work, promoting self-reliance in meeting one's daily needs and those of one's family and community, increasing productivity through the development of proper work skills and values, and promoting commitment to the welfare of the society through suitable programme of social work or community service.
The major objectives of work education at the Secondary stages are: To help the pupils to develop essential knowledge and understanding in terms of :
- identifying needs of the self, family and community in respect of food, health and hygiene, clothing, shelter, recreation and social service.
- acquainting themselves with productive activities in the community;
- understanding facts and scientific principles involved in various forms of work;
- knowing the sources of raw materials and understand the use of tools and equipment in the production of goods and services; understanding the utility of productive work and services to the community;
- understanding the needs of a technologically advancing society in terms of productive processes and skills;
- understanding the processes of planning and organization of productive work;
- conceptualizing their role in productive situations;
- developing abilities for self-evaluation of performance and for entrepreneurship.
To help the pupils to develop skills:
- for the selection, procurement, arrangement and use of tools and materials for different forms of productive work;
- to observe, manipulate and participate in work practice;
- for the application of problem-solving methods in productive work and social service situations;
- for greater productive efficiency.
- to enhance their working competence sufficiently so as to enable them to earn while they learn;
- to use their creative faculties for devising innovative methods and materials.
To help the pupils to develop proper attitude and values in terms of:
- respect for manual work and regard for manual workers;
- socially desirable values such as self-reliance, helpfulness, cooperativeness, teamwork, perseverance, tolerance, etc;
- proper work ethics such as regularity, punctuality, honesty, dedication, discipline, etc;
- self-esteem through achievement in productive work and services;
- a deeper concern for the environment and a sense of belonging, responsibility and commitment for the society;
- strive for excellence.
Course Content
The content of work education comprises two parts i.e. 'Essential Activities' and ‘Elective Activities’ for the satisfaction of day-to day needs of the pupil- teachers, their families and communities and productive work and services.
Essential Activities
List of activities is given below :
- Use of bus, railway, air time-table etc.
- Milking of dairy animals and managing allied activities.
- Help in preparation and distribution of mid-day meal/snacks in composite schools.
- Preparation of toys and other play materials for self and primary classes.
- Helping school authorities in organizing exhibitions, picnics, tours and excursions, school functions etc., and then presenting report on that.
- First aid activities like counting of pulse, taking of temperature and bandaging of wounds after cleaning them.
- Helping traffic police in the regulation of traffic.
- Plantation of shady/fuel/ornamental/avenue trees.
- Preparation of family budget and maintenance of daily household accounts.
- Acquaintance with common fertilizers and pesticides and their application with appropriate equipment.
- Acquaintance with common pests and plant diseases and use of simple chemical and plant protection equipment.
- Handling farm animals for feeding, washing or general examination.
- Studying the nutrition and health status of people in a village/city/slum/tribal area.
- Helping in community health programmes for enhancing the nutrition, health and environmental status of the community through door-to-door contact programmes.
- Participation in adult literacy programme.
- Helping in child-care in creches.
- Volunteer work in hospitals and fairs, during natural disasters and accident etc.
Elective Activities
Work practice at this stage is to take the form of projects with sequential activities in respect of vocations in the production or service sectors. Intensive projects/prevocational courses in diverse need and occupational areas, to be pursued over a span of time ranging from a few months to the entire two-years duration of the training, are clearly the answer for this requirement. Such projects/prevocational courses are intended to lead to intensive skill formation and proficiency in work which would be conducive to increased productivity and capacity on the part of pupils to engage in work which enables them to earn while they learn. A tentative list of activities/projects/prevocational courses is given below:
- Raising of flowers, vegetables, plant and their seedlings in nurseries.
- Repair and maintenance of equipment for plant protection.
- Development of plants by vegetative propagation-budding, grafting, cutting, layering etc.
- Raising poultry birds (1) for eggs, (2) for table purposes.
- Making bakery and confectionery products.
- Food preservation-making of jam, jelly, tomato ketchup, pickles.
Projects relating to non-conventional sources of energy-sun, wind, tides, biogas, etc.